The generally accepted temperature for incubating almost all birds eggs is between 99.5 and 100.0 degrees F (37.5-37.8 C).  Slight variations around this temperature range is alright, but varying more than a degree up or down for extended periods of time can have an impact on your hatch rate, cause birth defects, and even prevent eggs from hatching.  A few of the exceptions to this temperature range would be for Emu and Ostrich eggs.  Emu eggs require 95.5 to 96.5 degrees F (35.3 - 35.8 C) and Ostrich eggs require 97.0 to 98.0 degrees F (36.1 - 36.6 C)

The amount of time required to incubate an egg can very quite a bit depending on the type of bird.  See the chart below.  Please note that several factors can change the amount of time listed below, such as incubation temperature, humidity level, egg handling, and genetics.

Species Incubation Period Stop Turning Eggs
Large Fowl 21 days 19th day 
Bantams 21 days 19th day
Games 21 days 19th day 
Barbary 23 days  21st day 
Chuckar 23 days 21st day 
Hungarian 23 days  21st day 
Congo  26 days 22nd day 
Green 28 days 26th day 
Guineas 28 days 26th day
India Blue 27-29 days 25th day 
Bar-Tailed 27-28 days 25th day 
Blood 27-29 days 25th day 
Blue Eared 26-28 days 24th day 
Brown Eared 26-27 days 24th day 
Buff Ringneck 24-25 days 22nd day 
Cheer 26 days 24th day
Copper  25 days 23rd day 
Edwards 22 days 20th day 
Elliot's 25 days 23rd day 
Fireback 23-24 days 21st day 
Golden (Red) 22 days 20th day 
Imperial  25 days 23rd day 
Kalij 24-25 days 22nd day 
Koklass 26-27 days 24th day 
Lady Amherst 22 days 20th day
Melanistic 24-25 days 22nd day 
Mikado 27 days 25th day 
Reeve's 25 days 23rd day 
Ringneck 24-25 days 22nd day
Salvdori's 25 days 23rd day 
Silver 25-26 days 23rd day 
Swinehoe 25 days 23rd day 
Wattled 24-26 days 22nd day 
White Eared 24-25 days 22nd day 
White Mutant 24-25 days 22nd day 
Yellow Golden 22 days 20th day 
Benson 22 days 20th day 
Blue Scaled 23 days 21st day 
Bobwhite 22-23 days 20th day 
Button 16 days 14th day 
Cal Valley 22-23 days 20th day 
Coturnix 16-18 days 14th day 
Gambels 22 days 20th day 
Mearns 24-25 days 23rd day 
Mountain 24-25 days 23rd day 
Black Spanish 28 days 26th day 
Bourbon Red 28 days 26th day 
BB Bronze 28 days 26th day 
Giant White 28 days 26th day 
Royal Palm 28 days 26th day 
Wild 28 days 26th day 
House Birds    
Canary 14 days 12th day 
Dove 14 days 12th day 
Finch 14 days 12th day 
Mynah Birds 14 days 12th day 
Parakeets 18 days 16th day 
Parrots 28 days 26th day 
Amazon 28 days 26th day
Macaw 28 days 26th day
Cockatoo 28-29 days 26th day
Blyth's 28-30 days 26th day 
Cabot's 28 days 26th day 
Satyr 28 days 26th day 
Temminck's 28 days 26th day 
Western 28 days 26th day 
Ducks  28 days 26th day
Muscovy 35-37 days 34th day
Geese 28-30 days 27th day
Swans 30-37 days 29th day
Rea 35-40 days 34th day 
Ostrich 42 days 40th day
Emu 50-56 days 49th day
Jungle Fowl    
Ceylon 20-21 days 18th day 
Green 21 days 19th day 
Grey 20-21 days 18th day 
Red 19-21 days 17th day
Other Birds    
Monal 28 days 26th day 
Crane 30 days 28th day 
Crested Argus  24-25 days 23rd day 
Great Argus 24-25 days 23rd day 
Grouse/Prairie 25 days 23rd day 
Himalayan 28 days 26th day 
Pigeons 17 days 13th day


Egg Incubation Timer